Easy DIY Clay Coasters

I’ve been looking for nice looking coasters for a while and when I had some self-hardening clay on hand, I felt like it could work great for making my own! I wanted to imprint some floral texture into it and so I went out and got Sea Lavender to create a nice texture on my coasters. I imagine any sturdy plant would do. I am very happy how they turned out and stoked to share the instructions with you!

DIY Coasters

What you need: (Picture 1)

  • Self-hardening clay

  • 1 branch of Sea Lavender

  • Coarse salt

  • Ruler and paper or paper square

  • Rolling pin

  • Box cutter

  • 2 baking sheets

  • Super glue

  • thin felt

  • Sandpaper

  • Clear waterproof spray paint


  1. Choose a size for your coasters and draw that onto a paper. Cut it out and set aside. I ended up picking a square paper and just used that as the size. (Picture 2) Put the clay between two baking sheets and roll with the rolling pin until it’s about 0.2 inches (0.5cm) thick. Remove the top sheet. Then take some of the sea lavender and lay it onto the clay. Sprinkle coarse salt around the lavender to your liking. (Picture 3) Place the second baking sheet on top again and lightly roll over it with the rolling pin. Just enough to leave an imprint.

  2. Remove the baking sheet, salt and flowers. I used a toothpick to remove the salt. (Picture 4) Then lay the previously cut paper on the clay and cut around the edges with the box cutter. Set the coaster aside to dry and repeat step 1 + 2 with the other coasters. Vary the pattern as you go. (Picture 5)

  3. Let the clay dry completely. Depending on the type and brand this may take several days.

  4. Take a sandpaper and carefully sand the edges of the coaster until smooth. Take a rag and remove the dust. Then take the coasters outside and spray with the clear coating to make the coasters waterproof. Let dry. (Picture 6)

  5. Cut the felt just slightly smaller than your coasters. Apply super glue to the felt and attach it to the underside of the coasters. (Picture 7) Let that dry for quite a while. For me the super glue drew out more moisture from the clay, so that took a few days to properly dry. The felt helps to even out some of the bumps and make it sturdy and it also protects your table from scratches. Enjoy using the coasters for your drinks! (Picture 8)