Hawaiian Themed Birthday Card
I am always on the look out for new designs for birthday cards. I find the internet is often a great source for inspiration. I’ll collect ideas I like on a Pinterest board and then, when I am about to create a card, I look through my different saves and make my own art out of the ideas I found.
This time I needed a design idea for the new school schedule for my students. I also like to design matching birthday cards for them. This year I came up with the idea of doing a Hawaiian themed card. I felt like it would match the kids age (11 years) as it isn’t overly kiddish or adult. It’s also suitable for both, girls and boys. As always, I used the iPad with the Procreate app to draw and design the cards.
The first step was to create a frame with leaves and flowers.
Then I decided to draw a banner and write the words of the card into the banner. The letter builders (The criss-crossed boxes) helped me to draw even letters. It usually takes me quite a while to choose a font type I like, draw and arrange everything, so don’t feel bad spending time on this step.
As a last step I experimented with the background and colors. I usually try out about 10 different background types until I find the one I like.
After I finished I got to print the cards and hand them out on the kids’ birthdays. They loved it. I was really happy with the design as well, so I decided to make the same card for my sister. I changed out the “to you” and put in her name instead. I then printed that card with my photo printer for better quality. I love how it turned out!
Schedule for the kids (removed personal information in the empty white boxes)